Sunday, September 9, 2018

Communication 9020/9030

Was 06h received after you send 05h? If yes your wiring is correct. If no please check wiring and com setting.
Yes the wiring is same as 9450

If sending a job to library (same as 9Bh in 9450), you can use 9Fh instead of E3h. The string will be like this:
 00 55
00 01 39 30 32 30 53 41 4D 50 44 08 C9 60 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 30 31 00 00 00 01 30 39 30 39 30 39 30 39 30 39 30 39 30 39 30 39 30 39 30 39 30 39 30 39 30 39 30 39 30 39
80 01
48 65 6C 6C 6F
80 01

This is sending a message named “9020sample” with 1 line 7 dot message “Hello” to library position 001. Follow reply can be expected if download is successful:
06 C5 00 01 00 C4

For requesting print ACK, the PC sends following string to activate this function:
D8 00 00 D8
Then printer will send following ACK string after every printer:
CE 00 00 CE


The problem may because you missed some process, some logic for 9450 is different from 9040.
When you use 9B command:
After PC send 9B to 9450, 9450 will return 06 and  C5 00 01 C4
Now the PC need to send 06 to 9450 again.
Please try to modify according to this point.

sending request of the print acknowledgement by the computer
mengirim permintaan pengakuan cetak oleh komputer
sending  of the print acknowledgement by the printer
mengirim pengakuan cetak oleh printer

print acknowledgement request from the computer
cetak permintaan pengakuan dari komputer

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